Danielle Kemper MSW, LCSW

Brain Science Nerd/Story Keeper/Unrepentant Optimist

I’m a professional coach and psychotherapist. I’ve spent the last 29 years hearing incredible accounts of resilience, bravery, and strength, and have witnessed firsthand people who own their own stories and move forward into their very best lives.

Here’s the Official Story

Don’t be fooled—there’s no magic wand here. Change is a journey, an active, dynamic process. It requires self-awareness, a grand dose of humor, and the willingness to learn the skills and choose the thoughts, habits, and circumstances that lead to a more successful existence.

This work isn’t about finding the meaning of life or fixing something that is broken. It’s about relearning the experience of being alive, awake, and engaged. The world tells us that being successful means not being “broken” and not allowing ourselves to have an authentic experience of our lives and the world around us.

Human potential, your potential, is endless.

What Clients are Saying

Treatment Areas

Remote Sessions

Remote Sessions

Are you ready to take the journey toward your best self but don’t want to be limited by geography?



Although anxiety and depression may not feel transformative, changing your thought patterns and shifting your stories actually is.

Mind/Body/Spirit Training

Mind/Body/Spirit Training

These are the skills you need if you believe there are some parts of your life where the reach could be just a little higher.

Relationship Studio

Relationship Studio

Relationship is what it’s all about. Truly. Whether with your partner, friends, kids, work, heck, even yourself, the ability to do a relationship well is one of the most important skills you can practice.

Are you ready to transform?  –  (970) 872-4800

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Awakening from the Illusion of Separateness
Awakening from the Illusion of Separateness

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